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  • Writer's pictureChristian Rosales

Summer/ Abandon

AHOY SHOW PHONIES! It's 326.9 The Singe. So as you may know, summer is ending and I haven't been on in a long while. IIl give you a reason for that: Summer vacay! So, while I have been on the 3 month extrordinaire, I've learned a few things about my planet t will burn in hell within a matter of years. You'd have to be living under a rock to not notice the dipshit annoying orange of a president that we have acting like a donkey/jackass!

Also, due to the glitch-ups I've had with the other blog, I've decided to get rid of it. But don't fret! Honestly don't know what it means, it sounds like something for this situation, I will transfer all of the blogs from the new section and move them to this side.

This has been 326.9 The Singe! Hope your summer vacation was better than mine. I GUARANTEE IT!

Also, my birthday's coming up, turning 17. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

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