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  • Writer's picture326.9 The Singe


Starbucks: One of America's many favorite franchises. More in specific, Coffee. There's no other place that many millennials ever want to spend their greens more than the little lady in green. And I'm not talking about the Statue of Liberty. But recently, Ms. Coffee of America has been getting some backlash. Not from what they sell, but how they treat their customers.

Not that long ago, two men were arrested for waiting inside one of the coffee buildings and about to use their restroom. Obviously, you've probably heard about this. About how they decided to close all of the Starbucks all around America for 4 hrs just to re-teach every single employee on how to treat their customers and something about "Anti-Bias" whatnots. Now to me, I'm not that big of a Starbucks lover, I'm more to Biggby's Coffee, but reasonably, if you want to teach them how to treat certain customers, don't call out two black guys hanging out doing nothing and not do anything if it were two white men. We live in a world where we still call people out for what race they are. In America, everyone lives like "three steps forward, six steps back" because no one learns anything except how to enrage everyone over one little, teensy, weensy, itty, bitty, tiny, whiny, problem when we should be worrying about what's going on OUTSIDE our own country! News Flash America: It's still open the next day! You ain't gonna die if you get your Daily Fill of $40 coffee that you'll finish in under 10 mins!

You have been reading from 326.9 The Singe! I hope your day is better than mine. I guarantee it!

Tip of the Day: If you're going to be bi+-(-#-y about something in America, take it out on who's doing the bi+-(-#-ing! That's right, YOU!

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