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  • Writer's pictureChristian Rosales

New Year, Same old nonsense

Hello, and welcome to a new year on 326.9 The Singe. As you may know, it's a new year. Although people act like once the new year hits all is forgiven...

'Cuse me while I die of laughter. Oh yeah sure, we can forget all of the things that happened in the old year of 2018, but its as if it never left. If only there was a way to forget all of the things that happened last year and start off fresh. Sadly, only something like that only exists in Men in Black.

Speaking of which, there's a new MiB International movie coming out.

But as I was saying, it's as if "2018 pt. 2" started, because all of the B.S that everyone had last year hasn't left yet! HELL, there's already been another mass shooting somewhere in the world. The government is still shut down because the President that every single white chubass decided to vote for is not getting his wall that he wants MY people to build. Oh, yeah I never mentioned that I'm Mexican, but born and raised here in my hometown of Holland, MI.

But whatever, new year, same old crazy @$$ B_!/S#!+! You have been reading from 326.9 The Singe. I'm your host Christian Rosales. Sorry it took me a while to come back, but I hope your year is better than mine. I doubt it 'cuz we might not survive that long.

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